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Army Group South Roll 253
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ЮГ" (Heeresgruppe Süd - архивные  немецкие документы, немецкие карты.


Ia, Kriegstagebuch West. War Journal West of Army Group A/Operations Officer.
Folder contains daily reports ©n military activity and situation, including air activity, in Army Group A sector, also weather reports.
21 Feb - 31 May 1940

Ia, Kriegstagebuch West. War Journal West of Army Group A/Operations Officer.
Folder contains daily reports pertaining to military situation and activity, including air activity, in Army Group A sector, also daily weather reports.
1 - 24 June 1940

Ia, Kriegstagebuch West, Teil III. Daily reports pertaining to military activity and situation.
Jun 25 - Oct 17, 1940

Ia, Kriegstagebuch West, Teil III. Daily reports pertaining to military activity and situation.
Jun 25 - Oct 17, 1940

Ia, Kriegstagebuch West, Teil IV. Daily reports pertaining to the military activity and situation.
Oct 18 - Dec 31, 1940

Ia, Kriegstagebuch West, Teil V. Daily reports pertaining to the military activity
and situation, including air activity, in Army Group A sector; also, daily
weather reports.
Jan 1 - Apr 14, 1941

Ia, Anlage z. KTB,, Tagesmeldungen, Teil IV u. V. Daily reports pertaining to the
military situation and activity in Army Group A sector.
oct 18, 1940 - Apr 13, 1941

Ic, Stab "Staufen." Bulletins and reports containing information on the Kiev area
before the invasion of Russia: road networks, bridges, airfields, fortifications,
troop movements, and table of organization; and enemy situation maps and overlays
(1:100,000) showing disposition of Soviet forces in the Lemberg-Kiev area.
Apr 22 - Jun 20, 1941

Ic, Stab "Gotzmann." Reports, bulletins, and tables containing information on the Kiev
area before the invasion; situation reports; probable table of organization of Army
Group Kiev, June 3 and 5, 1941; and overlay showing disposition of enemy forces in
Kiev area.
Apr 5 - Jun 16, 1941

Ic/Lw., Sonderakte. Reports Dertaining to air activity before and during the first days
of the invasion of Russia (Lemberg area). Daily reconnaissance and activity reports
of Army Group South. Survey of German Air Force activities during May 1941. Daily
bulletins on German and enemy air force activities on all fronts.
Apr 21 - Jun 27, 1941.

Ic/Lw., Sonderakte. Reports relating to German Air Force activities at the beginning
of the invasion of Russia in the Lemberg-Kiev area and daily reconnaissance reports.
Jun 27 - Jul 15, 1941.