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Army Group South Roll 254
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа армий "ЮГ" (Heeresgruppe Süd) - архивные документы.


Ic/Lw,, Sonderakte, Reports pertaining to daily activity at the beginning of the invasion of Russia
in the Ukraine and daily reconnaissance reports.
Jun 22 - Jul 12, 1941

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Ic, OKH/GenStdH/Fremde Heere West, Lageberichte West, Renorts on military situation
and troop identification in Albania, Egypt, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Near East,
and North Africa. Maps (1:5,000,000) showing the tactical disposition of Italian
troops in Albania and Italy; Greek units in Greece; British troops in Great Britain,
Egypt, Near East, and North Africa; and De Gaulle units in the Near East.
Jan 3 - Jun 20, 1941

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Ic, OKH/GenStdH/Fremde Heere West, Lageberichte West, Renorts on military situation
and troop identification in Albania, Egypt, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Near East,
and North Africa. Maps (1:5,000,000) showing the tactical disposition of Italian
troops in Albania and Italy; Greek units in Greece; British troops in Great Britain,
Egypt, Near East, and North Africa; and De Gaulle units in the Near East.
Jan 3 - Jun 20, 1941

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Ic, Sonderakte, Lagebericht Ost, Reports concerning the military and political situations
in the Baikans and the Near East before the invasion of Yugoslavia, and maps
(1:5,000,000) showing the tactical grouping of the various armies of the Balkan
countries and the Near East.
Aug 22, 1940 - May 19, 1941

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FeIdgendarmerie, Berichte. Police reports on such cases as desertion, espionage, and
looting in the occupied Polish territory.
Sep 16 - Oct 12, 1939

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