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Army Group South T311 Roll 256
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЮГ"(Heeresgruppe Süd) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Süd T311 Roll 256

Ic/Lw., Sonderakte, Koluft, IV. Daily air reconnaissance reports. Aug 5 - 21, 1941.

Ic, Vortragsnotiz Russland. Reports on field maneuvers of the Russian Army in east
Poland and experiences gained from the Finnish-Russian War; lecture notes on Soviet
military, political, economic, and trade developments; maps showing tactical
grouping of Russian forces in southern military district of Russia and in the Baltic
States; OB charts of Russian units; bulletins on Russian armament and equipment;
and a critique of the Russian Army. Nov 28, 1939 - Jan 19, 1941.

Ia, Meldungen II. Daily reports on own and enemy tactical activities in southern Russia,
Aug 1 - Sep 26, 1941.