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Army Group South T311 Roll 293
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЮГ"(Heeresgruppe Süd) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Süd T311 Roll 293

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 1. War diary pertaining to tactical mission, operations,
and situation, combating partisans, and exploitation of the local economy by
H.Gr. 0-Sud, AOK 6, 11, and 17, Rum. AOK 3, and Pz.AOK 1 in the Sevastopol, Simferopol,
Mariupol, Belgorod, Kharkov, Rostov, and Kerch areas. Appraisals of enemy operations
and situation, information concerning Operation "Wintersport" (the crossing of the
Straits of Kerch), and weather reports, Nov 1 - 30, 1941.

Ia, Kriegstafebuch, Teil III, Band 2. War diary concerning the tactical mission,
ground and air operations, and supply, transport, and railroad situations of H.Gr.
Sud, AOX 6, 11, and 17, Pz.AOK 1 and Luftflotte 4 units in the Sevastopol, Melitopol,
Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Kharkov, Kursk, Stalino, Mariupol, and Romny areas.
Appraisals of enemy operations and situation, and weather reports. Dec 1 - 31, 1941.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 3. War diary relating to ground and air operations
of H.Gr. Sud, AOK 2, 6, 11, and 17, Pz.AOK 1, Armeegruppre v. Kleist and Luftflotte 4
units in the Poltava, Sevastopol, Rshava, Isjum, Kerch, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhe
areas. Appraisals of enemy operations and situation, and weather reports.
Jan 1 - 31, 1942.

Ia, Kriegstapebuch, Teil III, Band 4. War diary pertaining to the tactical mission,
ground and air operations and situations, coastal defense, and combating: partisans
by H.Gr. Sud, AOK 2, 6, 11, and. .17, Pz.AOK 1, Armeegruppe v. Kleist and Luftflotte
4 units in the Isjum, Pavlograd, Verch, Sevastopol, Kerch, and Belgorod areas
and in the Crimea. Appraisals of the enemy situation. Item No. 17236/30 is the
original, with handwritten changes and parts stricken out. Feb 1 - 28, 1942.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 4. This document is a mimeographed corrected copy
of document No. 17236/30. Feb 1 - 28, 1942.