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Army Group South T311 Roll 294
Группы Армий (Army Groups)

Группа Армий "ЮГ"(Heeresgruppe Süd) - архивные немецкие документы, немецкие карты.

Heeresgruppe Süd T311 Roll 294

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 1 Anlagen Nr. 1-65. Orders, reports, correspondence,
and teletype messages relating to planning, preparations, training, and activities
of H.Gr. Sud and its subordinate units for the continuation of operations in the areas
of the Donets and Don rivers, with the mission of reaching Stalingrad and Maikop in
the winter of 1941/42. Information concerning Operation "Wintersport" and order
of battle data covering H.Gr. Sud, AOK 6, 11, and. 17, and Pz..AOF 1 units.
Nov 1 - 15, 1941.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 1 Anlagen Nr. 66-157. Orders, reports, correspondence,
and teletype messages concerning the tactical mission, operations, securing of rear
areas, and the exploitation of the local economy by H.Gr. Sud units. Maps showing
disposition units in Jelsk, Voroshilovsk, Rostov, Stalino, and Oskol areas. Reports,
orders, and maps concerning: Operation "Wintersport." Reports on the organization of
the Luftwaffe beim Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres. Nov 16 - 30, 1941.

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Tell III, Band 1 Anlagen Nr. 158-222a. Orders, reports, correspondence,
maps, and overlays relating to operations in the eastern Ukraine during the beginning of
the Soviet counteroffensives in the Mariupol and Taranrog areas. Reports on the supply
situation and the transportation situation. Directives on the mission of the Ostheer in
the winter of 1941/42, Special directives for air reconnaissance, antiaircraft defense,
and signal communication. Also, a report on the strength of the Red Army and appraisals
of enemy operations. Dec 1 - 10, 1941

Ia, Kriegstagebuch, Teil III, Band 2 Anlagen 223-290. Orders, reports, and teletype messages
concerning operations. Orders regarding the establishment of a strong line of resistance
(under the code name "Wotanstellung") in the direction of Melitopol, Zaporozhe, Dnepropetrovsk,
and Poltava. Reports on enemy order of battle and appraisals of the enemy situation.
Special directives on supplies in winter, and maps (1:300,000) showing location of
H.Gr. Sud units boundaries, strongpoints, and telephone communications network.
Dec 11 - 20, 1941.