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D-0001, Operations of the Fifth Panzer Army in Tunisia (1943)
D-0002, Administrative Supply of the Luftwaffe in Africa and Italy
D-0003, Italian War Production Subsequent to 13 Sep. 1943
D-0004, Sicilian Campaign: Special Problems and Their Solution (Jul.- Aug. 1943)
D-0008, Designation of OB Sued as Sue as Supreme Commander Mediterranean Theater (Sep. 1942)
D-0010, Rail Transportation Problems in Italy
D-0011, The Development of the “Super Battery” in German Zl Air Defenses Between 1940 and 1945
D-0013, Construction of Strategic Field Fortifications in Italy (Sep. 1943- Oct. 1944. Part I
D-0015, The Use of Italian Industry in the Service of German Munitions Production
D-0016, Manpower Inspection, Italy (Feb. 1944)
D-0017, Luftwaffe Capabilities in the Mediterranean Theater After the Allied Landing in French North Africa
D-0018, Campaign Against Russia (Employment of Second Army Engineers.)
D-0019, Clothing and Equipment in Snow and Extreme Cold
D-0020, Field Expedients, Russia
D-0022, The Employment and Tactics of Artillery in Delaying Action
D-0026, LXXV Corps Artillery on the Ligurian Coast (Apr.-Jul. 1944)
D-0031, Antiaircraft Artillery Fire Against Formations at High Altitudes
D-0034, Diseases of Men and Horses Experienced by the Troops in Russia
D-0033, The Influence of Terrain, Seaasons, and Weather on Operations in Russia
D-0035, The Effect of Extreme Cold on Weapons, Wheeled Vehicles and Tracked Vehicles
D-0036, The Fighting Qualities of the Russian Soldier
D-0040, Negotiations with the Representative of General Barre and the Resident of Tunis, Admiral Esteva
D-0042, The Role of Searchlights in World War II
D-0044, Effect of Allied Air Attacks on the Verona Area and the Brenner Pass from the End of April 1944 to 25 April 1945
D-0045, The Role of Artillery in the Siege of Tobruk--Part I: Up to the Autumn Battle of 1941
D-0046, Studies on the Mareth Position--Part II: Survey and Construction
D-0047, Air Transport of 104th Armored Infantry Regiment to Tobruk (Apr. 1941)
D-0048, Experience Gained in Fighting Large Fires Resulting from Air Warfare
D-0049, Railroad Situation from January 1944 to the Beginning of May Offensive (Italy)
D-0050, Employment of Flak in an Army Defense Zone
D-0053, Russian Command: The 13th Russian Cavalry Division in Action at Kozel'sk
D-0054, War Experiences in Russia, Chapter IV: Kirov and the 40-km. Gap: Experiences as Commandant at Roslavl
D-0055, War Experiences in Russia, Chapter III: Kaluga and the 80-km. Gap
D-0056, War Experiences in Russia, Chapter I: Commander of Brest- Litovsk; Chapter II, Commander of the Fourth Army Rear Area
D-0057, Population in the Zone of Operations on the Eastern Front
D-0059, Maps and Area Studies of Russia for Flying Personnel
D-0060, Commander of Second Air Fleet on the Southern Front in Italy (Oct. 1943)
D-0061, The Estonian Contingents in 1944-45
D-0063, Special Experience Gained in Marches of Motorized Formations and Units in Sicily
D-0064, First Stuka Wing (Feb.-May 1941)
D-0065, Preparations for the Commitment of Parachute and Other Airborne Units in the Projects Invasion of Malta (Jun. 1942)
D-0066, Situation in OKW (Oct.-Dec. 1942)
D-0067, Mission of OB Sued with the Auxiliary Battle Command in North Africa after the Allied Landing. Battles in Tunisia, Part I
D-0076, An Army Engineer in Russia (1942)
D-0077, A Reflection on the Causes of the Defeat
D-0078, A Reflection on the Causes of the Defeat
D-0079, Advance and Breakthrough of the 6th Panzer Division on 15 and 16 July 1944
D-0080a, The Command Decision
D-0082, Rommel's System of Fortification in North Africa, 1941-42
D-0084, Supplement to "Reasons for Rommel's Success in Africa, 1941- 42
D-0085, The Battles of the "Hermann Goering" Division in Tunisia (Jan.-12 May 1943)
D-0086, The First Phase of the Engagements in Tunisia, up to the Assumption of Command by the Newly Activated Fifth Panzer
D-0089, Reconnaissance in the Battle of Sicily
D-0090, Stockpiling Supplies for Sardinia and Sicily (May-Jun. 1943)
D-0091, Evacuation of Sicily and Sardinia in August 1942
D-0093, Railroad, Sea and Air Transport Situation for Supply of Africa Through Italy (Jan.-May 1943)
D-0094, Preparations for the Capture of Malta
D-0095, 29th Panzer Grenadier Division (30 Jul. 1943)
D-0096, The Veterinary Service During the Campaign in the East
D-0097, Horses in the Russian Campaign
D-0098, Horse Diseases During the Eastern Campaign (1941-45)
D-0099, Remounts, Acclimatization, and Breeds
D-0101, 46th Infantry Division (1-2 Sep. 1942)
D-0153, XX Corps in the Defense on the Area Southwest of Orel (Summer 1943)
D-0154, Experiences with Russian Methods of Warfare and their Utilization in Training at the Waffen-SS Panzer Grenadier School
D-0155, Comparison Between the Infantry Battalion and the Assault Battalion Developed by the Waffen-SS
D-0183, 255th Infantry Division (Jun.-Nov. 1941)
D-0253, Antitank Defense in the East
D-0279, The 11th Panzer Division in the Fighting for the Dnieper Bridge near Gorndstaypol,23 to 29 Aug. 1941
D-0394, Assault up to the Gates of Moscow
D-0396, The Story of Soviet Armor (Commentary)
D-0405, Controversies in the German Army High Command-Stalingrad-the Turning Point in World War II
D-0406, Defensive Battles in Russia After the turning Point (Stalingrad) in World War II