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Waffen-SS Roll 604
Waffen SS

Waffen-SS - архивные  немецкие документы, немецкие карты.



SS Nachrichten-Abteilung 101, Tagesbefehle Nr. 321-367. Daily orders relating to personnel, health, security, training, work details, and guard duty. Also an operational order (Einsatzbefehl), dated 6 Jun 1944, on the movement to Falaise with command headguarters at Bretteville-sur-Laize via Dreux, Laigle, and Argentan.

SS Nachrichten-Abteilung 101, Tagesbefehle Nr. 254-320. Orders of the day relating to personnel, health, security, training, work details, and guard duty.

Allgemein. Orders of the personnel branch relating to promotions, decorations, and transfers; reports concerning enemy partisan activities in the Mons area, 29 Jan, combat operations of the corps in the Vironay and Canteloup areas, and the "Mantes" bridgehead of the Seine River sector, France, 24 Aug 1944.

Tagesmeldungen und Befehle. Daily reports, orders, and directives pertaining to medical and supply services, personnel matters, march readiness, the supply situation, and the planned movement of the corps staff and troops for 10 Apr 1944, which was not executed.

IVb, No German title given. Orders and directives of the I. SS PzK "LSSAH" and FHA Amtsgruppe D Sanitaetswesen der Waffen-SS, vouchers, receipts, and reguisitions of the medical officer of the SS Korps-Nachrichtenabteilung 101 and other medical units relating to medical care and service, and a copy of a lecture by Ministerialrat Dr. Liebenow titled "Die koerperliche Leistungsfaehigkeit eines Mannes im Alter von 17 bis 18 Jahren" (physical endurance capacity of a man between 17 and 18 years of age).

Allgemeines. Orders, directives, reports, and receipts pertaining to medical, legal, administrative, and personnel matters; control of the civilian population; military security; organization and plans of the French resistance movement; combat operations of the I. SS PzK in the Calvados coastal area of France during July 1944; and treatment of former members of the Italian Armed Forces within the German Army. Special directives concerning supply and signal communications, status reports, lists of code names and passwords for the corps, and a report on the history of the SS Korps-Nachrichtenabteilung 101, 10 Jan 1943-20 Apr 1944.

Tagesmeldungen und Befehle. Daily reports and an orderof Gruppe Schwerin concerning the expected attack on 24 Aug 1944 by the American 79th Division and the defense by the 17. Lv.FeldD, 18. Lv.FeldD, 49. ID, and the I. SS PzK "LSSAH" in the La Roche-Guyon and Breuil-en-Vexin areas of the Seine River sector.

V, Merkblaetter ueber Aus-und Heiterbildung der Fahrer und Behandlung der Kfz. Instruction pamphlets concerning the training of drivers and the handling and maintenance of motor vehicles.

SS-Sonderkommando Gruppe Kuensberg des Auswaertiqen Amtes. Orders relating to the confiscating of the files of enemy secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and consulates in The Netherlands, Belgium, and France by SS-Sonderkommando Gruppe Kuensberg of the Auswaertiqe Ant, identity documents, and membership list.