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Waffen-SS Roll 603
Waffen SS

Waffen-SS - архивные  немецкие документы, немецкие карты.




Ia, KTB 5 und TB. War journal concerning defensive operations, counterattacks, security activity, preparations for Operation "Zitadelle" (last German major offensive in the Kursk, Belgorod, and Kharkov areas), 5-17 Jul 1943; training, rehabilitation, and regrouping by I. SS PzK, SS PzD "Totenkopf," SS Pzd "LSSAH," and SS PzD "Das Reich" in the Kharkov and Belgorod areas with headguarters of the I. SS Pzk northeast of Kharkov, and the redesignation of General-Kommando SS Panzer-Korps as the I. SS PzK, 28 Apr 1943. Activity reports of the operations branch,1-31 May; the personnel branch, 1 Apr-31 May; Nazi guidance officer and geologist group, 1-30 Apr 1943; casualty and strength reports; and data relating to enemy operations. (Record items 38670/2-6 were listed under the designation of I. SS PzK, see record item 38670/4 and unit history for more information.)

Ia, Anlagenband A und Textband zum KTB 5. Supplement to the war journal concerning preparations for Operation "Zitadelle" with planned attack to begin in June, terrain reconnaissance, defensive operations, and regrouping by the I. SS PzK, SS PzD "LSSAH," SS PzD "Das Reich," SS PzD "Totenkopf," and 167.ID in the Belgorod, Tomarovka, and Donets River areas, 10 Apr-31 May

Ia, Anlagenband zum KTB 5. Daily reports and orders pertaining to defensive operations, counterattacks, preparations for Operation "Zitadelle," formation of Einareifgruppen for security duty and antipartisan operations, training, rehabilitation, and regrouping by the I. SS PzK, SS PzD "LSSAH," SS PzD "Das Reich," SS PzD "Totenkopf," 57.ID, 167.ID, and 332.ID in the Kharkov, Merefa, Ol'shany, Lyubotin, Valki, Zolochev, Peresechnaya, Graivoron, Orlovka, Tomarovka, and Lebedin areas. A map showing the location of supply routes north and west of Kharkov and reports concerning enemy military situation, operations, movements, losses, and unit identification. (Designated as I. SS PzK during the first month of its existence in May 1943; redesignated II. SS PzK on 1 Jun 1943, leaving the premium number free for use by "LSSAH" when it was elevated from a division to a corps command on 27 Jul 1943.)

Ia, Karten-Anlagenband zum KTB 5 . Situation maps relating to preparation for planned Operation "Zitddelle" (last German offensive in the Belgorod and Kharkov areas).

Ia, Karten-Anlagonband zum KTB 5 . Situation maps showing the location of the T. SS PzK, SS PzD "LSSAH," SS PzD "Das Reich," SS PzD "Totenkopf," and 167.ID and enemy forces in the Kharkov and Belgorod areas.




Ia, KTB Nr.1. War journal concerning activation of the Gen.Kdo. I. SS PZK "LSSAH" in Berlin- Lichterfelde,27 Jul 1943, formed from Hitlerjuqend personnel and cadre froa the SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "LSSAH" at Truppenuebungsplatz Beneschau with the schwere Panzer-Abteilung "Tiger" at Sennelaqer, 28 Jul-21 Sep; transfer of the corps units to Truppenuebungsplatz Beverloo near Mol, Belgium in August and the corps staff and company to Merano and Vipiteno, Italy, 22 Sep- 7 Dec for training, formation, and security duty, and movement of corps staff and company to Brussels,Belgium, 8-15 Dec 1943, for training and formation. Waffen-SS units were redesignated: SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "LSSAH" to 1. SS PzD "LSSAH" and SS Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Hitlerjugend" to the 12. SS PzD "Hitlerjugend," 4 Nov 1943, the 9, SS PzD "Hohenstaufen" was located in northern France for coastal defense and security duty. (Record items 38670/2-6, 27 flar-31 Hay 1943, reproduced on roll 603, frames 1-522, are described with the records of the II. SS PzK. Designated as Gen.Kdo. I. SS PzK during the first of month of its existence in May 1943; redesignated Gen.Kdo. II. SS PzK on 1 Jun 1943, leaving the premium number one free for use by "LSSAH" when it was elevated from a division to a corps command on 27 Jun 1943.)

Ia, Anlage A zum KTB Nr. 1. Except for the cover sheet, this document (order-of-battle chart) was not filmed.

Ia, Anlage C zum KTB Nr. 1. orders and directives pertaining to the activation of the Gen.Kdo. I. SS PzK "LSSAH" in Berlin-Lichterfelde by order of SS Fuehrungshauptamt, 27 Jul 1943, formation and training of corps staff and units in Tr.Oeb. Platz Beneschau and the schw.Pz.-Abt. (Tiger) at Sennelager, 28 Jul-21 Sep, transfer of corps units to Tr.Ueb.Platz Beverloo, Belgium, and schw.Pz.-Abt. "Tiger" to Mailly-le-Camp, France, 2-4 Aug for formation and training, transfer of corps staff and artillery unit to Merano and Vipiteno, 22 Sep-6 Dec for formation, training, and operations against partisans and enemy air landings, redesignation of Waffen-SS units, 27 Oct-4 Nov, preparations for Bewegung "Dardanellen" (transfer of corps staff and artillery unit to Brussels, Belgium for training and security duty), 6-15 Dec 1943. 

Ia, Anlage E zum KTB Nr. 1, Karten. A map showing the location of the billeting sector of the 9. SS PzD "Hohenstaufen" in the Amiens, Abbeville, Albert, Noyon, Beauvais, and Poix areas of France.

Ia, Anlage F zum KTB Nr. 1, Kriegsrangliste. A register of officers. 

Ia, Anlage G zum KTB Nr. 1, Verlustliste. No casualties listed.

IVb, No German title given. Reports and orders of the SS Fuehrungshauptamt, Amtsgruppe D/XIII Sanitaetswesen der Waffen-SS, SS Korps-Nachrichtenabteilung I-III, I. SS PzK "LSSAH" and III. (germ.) SS PzK pertaining to medical care and service. 

IVb, No German title given. Reports and orders of the SS Fuehrungshauptamt, Sanitaetswesen der Waffen-SS, SS Korps-Nachrichtenabteilung, I. SS PzK "LSSAH" and III. (germ.) SS PzK relating to medical care and service.